Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Perak, Arumugan and Eliz Wong's case... A co-incidence?

Selangor executive councillor Elizabeth Wong today announced at PKR headquarters that she is offering to quit from her state cabinet post and state assembly seat following her nude photographs controversy.

"I am resigning in the interest of the party," she said.

It was reported yesterday that nude photographs of Wong, who is PKR Wanita publicity chief, were being distributed in public.

Perak with the missing reps Jamal, Osman and Hee, Kedah’s Arumugan and the latest Eliz Wong’s case, would they be mere co-incidence?


Anonymous said...

I absolutely don't think so. Something fishy is going on here, in the land of Bolehland.

A gang of the underworld is on a mission..to find anything, even a speck of it that can pull the opposition politicians down, no matter what, no matter how. This is machiavelli style. Someone who is desperate enough to save his skin. Hmmm..let's see who is the most despicable person in malaysia that desperately needs power to surpress critics? I think I know who.Do you?

Anonymous said...

Candid cameras are everywhere. All of us have to be very careful when changing or showering; there might be a camera somewhere. Eliz did nothing wrong, she was in her own home, more importantly, she didn't smile or pose for the picture...

As for moral standard, this is nothing compare to those corrupted leaders, jumping fogs or murderer.

Can't the Govt pays more attention on the Economy and the increasing crime rates in the country. As a tax payer, I get extremely up sad knowing that my tax contributions are not proper spent.

Good job young man, keep it up! Make sure there is no hidden camera in your room or wear something when you shower, we do not want to lose you in the political scene.....

You supporter, Jay