Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Photos to share during campaign


KENNYCOOL89 said...


Howard Lee said...

I big hello to you all. Many of you who’ve been followers of our ceramahs over the campaigning period will probably know me in one way or another. Those who aren’t followers of the 3C’s (Canning Concert Style Ceramah), let me introduce myself. I’m Howard Lee, the campaign manager;, a.k.a. operations director; personal assistant; driver; event co-ordinator etc for the DAP Canning ADUN election team. I have been known as other less salubrious titles and salutations but they’re probably more suitable for less official places than our YB’s blog spot.

OK! What shall I blog about? Hmmmm… let’s start with answering some question that I;ve been asked by you lovely people. How did Kah who & I meet. I apologise if you were expecting some really cool, sentimentally touching story about two youth meeting on the road for the fight of freedom whilst, getting to know each other in neighbouring jailcells under ISA…. You’d be royally disappointed. Kah Woh and I met at the premier/release of the DVD of DAP vs MCA Debate at the restaurant which used to be the old Lido cinema. We didn’t speak… because there was no need to.

The next time we spoke was when Kah Woh asked for my help to be a ppolling and counting agent no more than a week before nomination day of the just concluded general election. Our first official meeting was during the training day for polling and counting agents. Anyways, I was asked (by him) to lend him a helping hand at the operations centre at Kg Simee, a couple of days later when we found out the date of nomination day, and I was somehow somewhat appointed (it was more by adopted by default) as his campaign manager/operations director. How that happened remains an enigma to both Kah Who and myself till now but that’s all in the past now. The point is, the campaign was a success, because we won the seat (with a landslide majority), and we did so, without going over budget and we all had a great time in the process.

Some of you (especially the 20 something’s) have asked me time and time again, about why I chose to be involved in politics, and Why DAP.

Now, there are 2 ways of answering those questions. The first one is the short and sweet one, why is ‘cos I was asked to’. Of course, that is one of the many reasons, but it’s hardly an explanation. The second, more detailed reason is a bit more complicated. It’d be more of a clarification than a reason. It may offend some people but then again, I’ve never been known tobe someone who beats around the bush.

The reason why I spent the last few weeks, with no (or at best extremely unhealthy) sleeping, eating or exercising patterns; risking my own freedom and giving up time an energy, playing a small but relatively important part in delivering a very special message, was not for the sake of Malaysia, not for the sake of Malaysians, and certainly not for the loyalty to any individuals or organisation which many have mistakenly been presupposed. I did it for the sake of upholding the very concept of Democracy and Freedom. I ain’t no freedom fighter nor am I implying I’d like to be one, but I’m certainly not someone who’s prepared to be an armchair commentator, when I can help make a difference however small that difference may be. To put it simply, If you saw a young woman getting raped on the streets, and you just so happen to have a mobile phone and a baseball bat in your hand, would you just look away and pretend that you saw nothing, walk away and let the poor woman suffer the process of being raped and furthermore, bear the emotional scar of being raped for the rest of her life? Of course you’d at least phone the police… That’s essentially what I did. I had certain expertise which was needed in delivering the required message, I offered it.I could no longer see the people of Malaysia be metaphorically raped by the a certain governmental administration, so I thought I’d sacrifice a few weeks of my insignificant life in hope that it’s helppave the way for those who can really take the steps to make a difference.

Anyways… that’s all for now. I’m sure I’ll write again.